Halls and Topics

By Anand B Pillai - Posted on Sep 24, 2010 at 12:12 PM

Though we don't have the concept of tracks in this year's Pycon, the talks have been assigned to each hall roughly according to some topic categorization.

Here is the how every talk hall is assigned to talks accordingly to category.

  • Auditorium (ESB2 Seminar-Hall 1) - Apart from the Keynote, the auditorium will hold talks in the topics of 3D/Algorithms/Compilers/Database/Hardware/Mobile/Windows & Open-source Python Projects.
  • Lecture Hall 1 (ESB2 Seminar-Hall 2) - Almost all talks on Internet, Search & Web Application frameworks is in this hall (except introductory ones). Apart from that this hall will host talks related to Python/Conference Advocacy and E-inclusion.
  • Lecture Hall 2 (Hi-Tech Hall) - All introductory or newbie talks are scheduled in this hall irrespective of topic. Also, this hall will host talks related to Testing/GUI & Image Processing.
  • Lecture Hall 3 (ESB1 Computer Lab, 3rd Floor) - The FOSSEE scientific/engineering workshop. This will be a continuous session and attending only part of it will bring only limited benefit. It's specially designed for engineers and scientists. For details, please refer to this blog post.

The locations of the halls will be displayed at the venue and volunteers will be around to help you find the halls.

So if you don't have the schedule at hand, you know approximately where to head to if you have a topic in mind.