Computer Vision with Python and OpenCV





Hello, I would like to conduct a talk on session on Python and OpenCV Programming with Raspberry Pi.

My book on the same topic would be published in 3 weeks (3rd week of May 2015). I have reviewed 2 books on Python and Raspberry Pi.

This talk/Workshop would familiarize the attendees with the OpenCV and Python on Raspberry Pi platform.

I am also writing a second book on Raspberry Pi, Python and IoT. It would be published by Oct 2015.

I am currently working with Cisco Systems.


The attendees should know basic programming. Any prior experience on Raspberry Pi or Computer vision is not mandatory.

Content URLs:

I do not have URL as such as of now, Contents would be as follows,

Demonstration of, 1) Image and Video handling with OpenCV and python 2) Colored Object tracking 3) Motion Detection 4) Gesture Recognition 5) Green Screen Effect 6) Barcode detection

Speaker Info:

Ashwin Pajankar is a Bangalore-based software professional with more than 5 years of experience in software design, development, testing, and automation. He graduated from IIIT Hyderabad with an MTech in computer science engineering. Ashwin holds multiple professional level certifications from Oracle, IBM, Teradata, and ISTQB in development, databases, and testing. Apart from work, Ashwin enjoys serving the community and has won several awards at college as a student and at work for community service through his employers’ Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes. He was introduced to the Raspberry Pi while organizing a hackathon at his workplace and he’s been hooked to the Pi ever since. He writes plenty of code in Bash, Python, and Java on his cluster of Pis in his free time. Currently he’s building India’s biggest cluster of the recently launched Raspberry Pi 2 and is also reviewing a couple of other Raspberry Pi related books for Packt.

Speaker Links:


Link to my publisher page

Section: Scientific Computing
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: