Breaking down a Python based monolith application to micro-serivces based application

Neependra Khare (~neependra)




In this talk we'll cover the steps to break down a Python based monolith application to micro-serivces based application. We'll start with a monolith and then covert each component of the application, to its micro-service, one by one. We would cover :-

  • What is Monolith and Micro-services based architecture
  • Benefits of Microservices
  • Showcase sample Monolith application
  • Convert each component of the Monolith application to Micro-service
  • At each convert step, deploy the application using Docker
  • If time permits, showcase how microservices based application can be deployed on Kubernetes


  • Basic Python
  • Basic knowledge of Flask web framework
  • Knowledge of Docker will be helpful

Speaker Info:

Neependra Khare

Neependra Khare is Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga. CloudYuga provides training and consulting on Docker, Kubernetes, GO Programming etc. He is one of the Docker Captain as well and running Docker Meetup Group in Bangalore for around 4 years. In 2015 he authored a book on Docker, Docker Cookbook. In 2016 he co-authored a course on Cloud Infrastructure Technologies at Edx for Linux Foundation. Recently he authored a course on Kubernetes on Edx, for the Linux Foundation.


Febin is a Software Developer with 3 years of professional experience. His primary expertise lies in Python programming, which he also teaches online by being an instructor on Udemy. His latest work on Python was to build a Flask based Microservices application that runs on Docker Containers.

Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
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