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RESTful APIs with Python - Introduction & Demo

by Pratik Mandrekar (speaking)

Web Development
Session type
Technical level


A lot of web applications need to expose some parts of their functionality to other clients like their own mobile apps or third party developers for integration. This tutorial will help you understand

1) REST concepts

2) Exposing simple functionality for rapid prototyping

3) Integration with Django via TastyPie


The session will cover

  • The problem being solved
  • What is REST
  • A demo to turn a working bit of functionality you have written in Python into a RESTful web service that can be called via a SMS text
  • How major APIs handle authentications RESTfully
  • How you can comfortably create APIs for an application built for the web (Demo using Django with TastyPie)

Speaker bio

I'm a software developer who worked at Oracle and am now working for a health technology start-up in Bangalore. I have been using python and related web frameworks to build stuff and integrating it with mobile apps.