Emacs as a Python IDE

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Authors Noufal Ibrahim
Talk Type talk
Level Intermediate
Topic Software development tools
Tags emacs, python, pim

This is a talk about my Emacs setup particularly the bits relevant to coding Python. The first 20-30 minutes will be purely focussing on Python "IDE like" capabilities and after that on slightly more meta things like programmer productivity and issue tracking in general.


The first 30 minutes or so of the talk will include the following.

Some useful features of the basic Python mode(s), pdbtrack, virtualenv integration, pylint(or pyflakes) + flymake integration, some useful external utilities to help searching for modules, tags, a little bit of nxhtml with the django template editing capability, mozrepl to communicate directly with your Firefox instance for web development and a few other tricks.

Once that's done, the remaining 15 minutes of the talk will focus on using orgmode as a PIM to track projects. Common things like keeping track of requirements which come in via. email and other channels, TBDs in code, maintaining a work journal, keeping track of things to do.


This is not a Vim vs. Emacs thing. If anyone is coming here to look for vim bashing, they're going to be disappointed. It's also not an "Emacs Rocks! Everything else sucks" talk either. I've been using Emacs for a a while now and this is an overview of some of the tricks I've picked up over the years.

Profile of the authors

Programmer. Working for the internet archive. Freelance trainer and consultant based out of Bangalore. Founder of PyCon India and organiser of the first two conferences in India. More information at http://nibrahim.net.in

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presentation.pdf 969.4 KB september 15, 2011 Emacs as a Python IDE presentation

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