Network programming with Umit Project

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Authors Narendran Thangarajan
Talk Type talk
Level Beginner
Topic Network programming
Tags Network Programming, Umit, Nmap, Protocol

This talk is about how network protocols are implemented in python. Demo will be shown using Umit Project. Topics are Umit Network Scanner, RadialNet, Visualizing networks, Packet Manipulation using Python, writing a protocol and utilizing it in a network scanner.


Using Python as a powerful Network programming tool - Umit Project

  1. Overview of Umit Project including the history, etc. - 5 mins.
  2. Description of the tools:
    1. Umit Network Scanner including the working of Profiles, Plugins architecture(4 mins)
    2. RadialNet includes discovering hosts and visualizing networks.(4 mins)
    3. Zion (4 mins)
    4. PacketManipulator/UMPA along with network protocol creation and integration (10 mins)
  3. What can you do with PM/UMPA? (5 mins)
  4. How can you write a protocol with UMPA? Inject Packets etc. (10 mins)
  5. Conclusion (3 mins)
Finally listeners would have complete understanding of how network protocols are created, visualized and utilized in python based network scanners.

Profile of the authors
  • Undergraduate from SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
  • Currently an Intern at Umit Project through the Umit Summer of Code - Creating a network scanner based on Samba protocols (SMB over NetBIOS)
  • Good knowledge in Computer Networks - certified with CCNA, CWNA.
  • Network Researcher - Specifically on TCP performance in wireless networks.
  • Links :
  • Blog :
  • Twitter: naren_live
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UmitNetworkProgramming.pdf 286.4 KB september 18, 2011 All about python libraries for packet capture + Umit Project

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