Twisted programming

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Authors Mahendra M
Level Intermediate
Topic Concurrency
Tags twisted, programming, servers, concurrency

Python Twisted is an event-driven network programming framework written in Python. It makes it very easy to write highly scalable code (server, client and hybrid systems) using Twisted. However, twisted documentation is limited and it takes a lot of effort to understand it. Also, most of the advanced features are not well understood.

This talk will cover the following

  • Introduction to twisted and event driven programming
  • Writing code in twisted (with demo)
  • Advanced features of twisted

The talk will cover the following

  • Introduction to twisted and event driven programming
  • Limitations of twisted on multi core/cpu's and how to overcome the same
  • Writing code in twisted (with demo)
  • Advanced features of twisted
  • Deploying twisted in production
  • Available twisted modules.
  • External twisted libraries
  • Demos of existing systems

If I can get more time, I can conduct a demo where I start writing a simple XMPP bot using twisted and how to scale it up and deploy it.

Profile of the authors

Mahendra has been working on FOSS technologies since 1998 and is currently working as a Solution's Architect in Infosys. He has delivered talks in various FOSS conferences (, Linux-Bangalore and Bang!inux) on wide range of topics (Sysadmin, development, Linux kernel, NetBSD).

Mahendra has been developing server side products and solutions using Python for the last four years.

He has been involved in promoting FOSS technologies in various positions (BLUG co-ordinator, manager for, Linux Bangalore etc.)

Past talks

file size uploaded comment
mahendra-twisted-pycon-2010-updated.pdf 334.5 KB september 25, 2010 Fixed a bug in the code
mahendra-twisted-pycon-2010.pdf 331.0 KB september 9, 2010

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