Python on Mobile phones

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Authors N.Seshadri
Level Intermediate
Topic Mobile computing
Tags Mobile programming, pyS60

Kickstart tutorial on using PyS60 to develop mobile phone applications.



  1. Compiling python runtime libs for mobile phone
  2. Installing required libraries
  3. writing simple hello world app
  4. Some examples of complex apps
  5. How to deploy apps that you write to wider audience.

This would be live demo developing mobile app from scratch. Need cameras that can project what I do on my cell phone.

Profile of the authors

Seshadri is using python for last 6 years developing various tools and test infrastructure frameworks. Some of the tools developed by him are used for testing Systems Management Apps(WMI) and Filesystems(paramiko and ctypes). He loves to teach python to newbies.

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Demo.txt 3.4 KB september 26, 2010 Code snippets used during Demo
Python-on-Mobile-Phones.pdf 522.1 KB september 25, 2010 Python on Mobile Phones

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