Introduction to Image Analysis in Python

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Authors Anil C R
Level Beginner
Topic Scientific Programming
Tags Image Processing, NumPy, SciPy

This talk is meant as an introduction to using python for image processing and as an alternative to "oh so expensive" Matlab. I am assuming exposure to some programming in Python, programming experience in SciPY/NumPy is helpful but not assumed. Exposure to image processing is not assumed.

I will post the code and slides on my website.

  • What are images?
  • Introduction to NumPy/SciPy (depending on if it's not already given in another talk or if required)
  • Why NumPy/SciPY?
  • Filtering
  • Demos
  • What's not there in SciPy?
  • Q 'n' A
Profile of the authors

Anil C R is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering from IISc, he likes to program but is normally seen doing math or dozing off on his table.

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PyCon2010ImageProcessingAnilCR.pdf 653.9 KB september 19, 2010 This slide is just an overview of what I will be doing, I might change the contents depending on the audiance

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