GUI Programming using PyQt

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Authors Ankur Gupta
Level Beginner
Topic GUI programming
Tags GUI, Qt, PyQt

Qt is a Cross Platform GUI Framework in C++ with Python bindings. The talk introduces audience to Qt widget set and capabilities. PyQt is used to showcase simple examples/code snippets on how GUI application are made. After the talk is over the audience will be equipped with basic know how of making GUI applications.


  • Qt - A Cross Platform GUI toolkit
  • Qt Widgets, Modules and QCreator IDE
  • PyQt - Using Python to make GUI applications
  • Hello World using PyQt
  • ToDo Application using PyQt
  • Resources to learn more

Agenda is to introduce people to GUI Programming with PyQt. PyQt is the most widely used language binding. For a beginner, I shall first introduce them to Qt and it capability. It's pre made widget sets (Text Box, List View, Web Browser Widget etc). Then quickly show a Hello World code using PyQt. Event loop play an important role in GUI programming. Touch on Event loops using the hello world example. Will codewalk a todo/task list application to show usage of important widgets and PyQt library. Finally leave with a set of resources that audience can pursue if interested in learning further.

Profile of the authors

Ankur Gupta

Computer Programmer from Mumbai. Active at Mumpy (Mumbai Python User Group Meet). Have been making Desktop UI using Python, C++ (PyQt) for the last 3.5 years. One of the application I worked on CiMPLE is now a showcase application on Nokia's website as part of Qt Ambassador Program.

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